Our Insane Judeo-Christian Slave Morality

Reading time: 5,690 words, 14 to 23 minutes.

Have you ever wondered why western civilization is so insane and warped and twisted? I’ve long wondered why black is white and white is black, why good is bad and bad is good; and why learning is disparaged and ignorance is bliss. We are immersed in a bottomless sea of twisted and upside-down notions and values.

Friedrich Nietzsche, the German philosopher, cultural critic and philologist examined this more than a century ago. I have not yet found a better explanation for the warped and twisted Judeo-Christian slave morality that infects much of western culture, religion and beliefs.

More than a century later, Nietzsche is still a controversial figure not least because he is often poorly translated from German. As well, he tells us things we don’t want to hear. He bursts our bubbles. He makes us question our beliefs and destroys our illusions. He’s a bunk-buster.

So beware of what you are about to read! If you haven’t read the warning on the Home page then here it is: “If you’re looking for lightweight entertainment or you can’t stand to have your beliefs challenged, then you better stop reading this and watch the crap on TV.” Consider yourself warned. I don’t want to hear anyone’s bleeting and lamentations.

truth illusions Nietsche

Much of the following is shamelessly stolen from The Great Courses’ lectures by Professors Robert Solomon and Kathleen Higgins titled, “The Will to Power: The Philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche” as well as several other sources. I humbly beseech dedicated students of Philosophy to overlook my skimming over concepts without deeper examination as I’m simply using Nietzsche’s philosophy to show that people are not crazy; it’s western society that’s insane.

Self Deception is Uniquely Human

The Hebrews developed slave mentality and a subsequent slave morality as a reaction against and to compensate and cope with enslavement (bondage) for many centuries, first in Egypt and then, later in Babylon. In this article, I will use the phrase ‘slave morality’ in the ethical sense and the phrase ‘slave mentality’ in the psychological sense.

At the heart of this slave morality is the concept of self-deception. I’ve discussed self-deception before, but, since no one was listening, it must be said again in order to understand how slave mentality led to slave morality.

For millennia, philosophers, natural scientists and others have attempted many times and failed just as often to prove mankind’s superiority over the animal kingdom. They put forth many attributes they thought were uniquely human and not shared by other animals. Our opposable thumbs were thought to be uniquely human until we discovered monkeys, apes and other simians had them, too. Tool use was thought to be uniquely human until we discovered otters using stones to break open clams and crows fashioning twigs into hooks to grab something otherwise inaccessible.

Many other so-called unique attributes also fell by the wayside. Complex societies were discovered among insects and demonstrated by the cooperation of Killer whales in hunting prey. Language was taught to Apes who learned hundreds of words of American Sign Language (ASL). Grief is seen in the way elephants tend to their dead. Consciousness is another matter, but it’s very squishy and difficult to define. Definitions are subject to endless debate and tend to overlook the fact that some humans are entirely lacking in self-awareness yet they still walk and talk. Relax, I won’t name names.

Perhaps someday, we will admit that the only uniquely human attribute is self-deception. A monkey might fool another monkey, but a monkey will not fool itself. Only humans delude and fool themselves.

Bliss losing delusions

“The most common lie is that which one lies to himself; lying to others is relatively an exception.” – Nietzsche

And, as I hope to demonstrate, our self-deceptive slave morality created an insane society. So, don’t feel bad. You’re not crazy; it’s society that’s insane, as you will soon see.

Enslavement of the Hebrews

Unfortunately for the ancient Hebrews, their land was strategically situated between the two mighty empires of Egypt and Babylon. When one empire went to war against the other, their respective armies marched through the land of the hapless Hebrews. Both empires had no need for more farmers or shepherds although they needed to capture ‘shock troops’.

This front-line ‘cannon fodder’s’ role was to weaken and tire the opposing forces (of course, the “enemy” did the same thing). These poorly trained and poorly equipped troops were expendable and had a high attrition rate while the empires’ elite forces were held in reserve for the final thrust and mopping up. Thus, life expectancy for the captured farmer or shepherd was very short.

However, valuable hostages such as the more intelligent trades-people, merchants and administrators were carried off into slavery to benefit each empire’s economy. The elimination of the low intelligent Hebrew population and subsequent procreation of the more intelligent Hebrew hostages over countless generations bred a highly intelligent and clever people. As an aside and contrary to modern conspiracy theories about Jewish ‘infiltration’ into banking, arts and entertainment; their brilliance combined with exclusion from trades protected by medieval gilds makes such career moves almost inevitable. And, no, I’m not Jewish.

Thus the Hebrews, although once a free and proud people, were held in bondage for many centuries and countless generations, first by the Egyptians and later by the Babylonians. In the Bible we see how an entire people had to deal with this. Their former way of expressing themselves was problematic to the state. They were now under the thumb of masters who did not share their culture or religious presuppositions.

They guarded their identity by adopting a slave mentality; always looking over their shoulders, but still asserting themselves on the sly. The mentality and morality that develops among slaves does not lend itself to overt self-assertion because that would get them into trouble. Instead, they had to learn to create the fewest problems for themselves. A slave avoided direct confrontation with the masters although they certainly might harbor much resentment on the sly. Among other slaves, they might criticize their masters very harshly but this had to be kept under wraps.

Master Morality

To understand slave morality, we need to first understand master morality because slave morality developed as a reaction to master morality. Master morality is found among those people who do not answer to anyone; those who are able to master themselves as well as other people. Master morality is one that asserts itself. It manifests itself in what Nietzsche called the “will to power” which is ambition and striving for achievement without interference from anyone outside this particular class. Master morality values pride, strength, independence, courage, wealth, self-improvement and nobility.

Whatever you are be a good one

In most societies, those who are able to do as they please are a small group of people so it’s not surprising that they were eventually overthrown by the slavish majority as we shall see later.

Master morality evaluates actions on the basis of good or bad consequences unlike slave morality which evaluates actions on the basis of good or evil intentions. Master morality’s consequences are usually concrete and obvious whereas Slave morality’s intentions involve judgment and moral interpretations by an outside source which, in itself, is a sign of slavish thinking.

Masters tend to be individuals. Nietzsche’s ‘Übermensch’ which has been mangled in translation into “Super Man” actually means an ‘over-person’; a Master who can think and act outside the herd. The Übermensch is of this world in contrast to the other-worldliness of Christianity and the Slave morality.

Nietzsche’s higher types are not the monsters of history, although there were many such examples. The Master has self-confidence; what we would call high self-esteem. Thus, the model of excellence is oneself. It is not taking instruction from God or obeying externally imposed prohibitions. “It is pursuing a sense of excellence which is very much one’s own and that is what the word ‘good’ means [to the Master].” according to Professor Solomon.

By contrast, the word ‘bad’ is the opposite of ‘good’. ‘Bad’ refers to failure, weakness, pathos, and that which is unsatisfying. “Bad’ is vulgar and low class (think Miley Cyrus and Lady Gaga).

Master morality is simple; doing what you want to do as long as what you want to do is virtuous and leads to excellence. Nietzsche called this “small ‘m’ morality”. Small ‘m’ morality didn’t preach. It didn’t have to. Nietzsche admired the Persian prophet Zarathustra who said, “Don’t follow me.” In other words, find your own way. Contrast this with Christian preaching and the endless litany of “do this” and don’t do that.”

By the way, if you want to see the real Commandments of do’s and don’ts, read Exodus chapter 34, verses 13 to 26. You’ll see that verse 28 confirms these as THE Commandments.

follow orders make crimes

“The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself.” – Nietzsche

If you find this Master morality foreign or alien, it demonstrates how far we’ve fallen and how modern western society is infested with Slave morality which we’ll examine next.

Slave Morality

The largest segment of society were not Masters but those who had to answer for their behavior like the common people or the most powerless of all; those who were enslaved. Slaves are not in a position to do what they want; if they were, they wouldn’t be slaves.

Slavery, although uncommon in today’s world, was widely practiced throughout much of history. In the Greek and Roman world the slaves constituted between 10% and 30% of the population. In most cases, people became slaves by being captured in war thus destroying their entire way of life.

Slave morality is a reaction to Master morality. Whereas the virtuous Masters do what they want to do in order to be the best they can, the Slaves follow the opposite premise; they don’t do what they want to do because it will lead to frustration. They need to compensate for their inability to do what they want to do and from this the Slave morality is born.

The slave mentality becomes a way of life geared to avoiding any posture that would challenge the masters; yet satisfying a sense of self-regard or self-esteem without presenting any external challenge or threatening behavior. Nietzsche associates slave morality with weakness, especially political weakness.

The Masters do not question their situation. On the other hand, slaves doubt their status. The Old Testament has many examples of the enslaved Hebrews asking themselves, “What have we done to deserve this?”

Slave morality is based on ‘resentment’ of the people who enslaved them. Thus, Slave Morality begins when resentment becomes creative and gives birth to values opposite to the Masters’ values. The Slaves view with skepticism what the Masters do and conclude that the Masters actions are evil.

Notice how this contrasts with the Masters view that the opposite of ‘good’ is ‘bad’ whereas the Slaves view the opposite of ‘good’ as ‘evil’. The Masters’ ‘bad’ is psychological whereas the Slaves’ ‘evil’ is an ethical concept which will later evolve into Christianity.

The Slaves tell themselves that if they were in a position of power, they wouldn’t act that way. Of course, this is a self-deceptive, defence mechanism as we shall see when Christianity becomes the official religion of Rome and begins persecuting other religions as pagans and heretics.

The Masters’ behavior is not admired, but is despised by the Slaves. By contrast, by not acting like the ‘evil’ masters, the Slaves see themselves as ‘good’. The Slaves conclude they are ‘good’ because they see the Masters as worse than themselves. This will later play a role in Christianity’s overemphasis on sin and guilt.

Slave morality evaluates actions on the basis of good or evil intentions rather than master morality’s evaluation of actions based on good or bad consequences. Slave morality preaches a herd-mentality, obedience and humility. It involves the individual submitting to the group, which Nietzsche regarded as a pessimistic world view.

candles execute lightbulb


Advantages & Disadvantages of Slave Morality

Nietzsche admits that for slaves, Slave Morality is a brilliant and necessary psychology. It maintains self-esteem and unity under difficult conditions. It is psychologically advantageous to a slave because it avoids the pain of punishment or worse.

However, the continuation of Slave Morality outside of slavery creates a self-fulfilling prophecy because it always puts people in a secondary and inferior position. They have no self-worth unless they view someone else as evil. Nietzsche calls this a “Transvaluation of Values” where what’s good for the Masters is considered evil by the Slaves.


Both Master and Slave Morality

Although Master and Slave are two distinct moralities, in a non-slave society, people can exhibit both Master and Slave Morality to varying degrees. For example, throughout the centuries, Popes have been more powerful than kings or even emperors and yet the Pope is Christian (well, Catholic). This can be complicated and mentally destabilizing. On one hand, the Pope has some Slave Morality as we shall see in our discussion of Christianity below, and on the other hand, he is a powerful Master who can do anything he wants.

However, the twisted intermingling of Slave and Master Morality can enable others to exploit our weaknesses. We want money but we’re told, “For the love of money is the root of all evil.” Timothy I 6:10 (Paul’s letter exemplifying Slave Morality). This sets us up for the guilt and sin the Church uses to exploit us to keep us in line, coming back for absolution and contributing the very money we weren’t supposed to want in the first place. Rinse, repeat.

Small ‘m’ morality Becomes Capital ‘M’ Morality

When did small ‘m’ morality become capital ‘M’ Morality? It began when the Roman Emperor Constantine converted to Christianity and made Christianity the official religion of Rome in the 4th Century. Before then, Rome tolerated a wide variety of religions, even usually the Christian sect, as long as none of these religions threatened the power of Rome. We have the impression that the early Christians were endlessly persecuted for centuries when, in fact, their persecution occured only occasionally as when a despotic Emperor needed scapegoats.

Professor Solomon uses a simple example to illustrate how individual morality becomes universal, capital ‘M’ morality. He asks us to imagine a colony of talking baboons in a zoo. Baboons rank themselves in a social order. At the top of the ranking is the Alpha male; usually the oldest, largest, strongest and smartest of the colony. He does whatever he wants. If another baboon is on the tire swing and the Alpha male wants it, the other baboon scatters or gets swatted. When the food is delivered by the attendant, the Alpha male plows in and takes his fill while the others wait their turn. When he wants to mount a female, he mounts.

You can imagine the resentment that builds among these Beta males and females. If they could talk they’d probably invent a story to make themselves feel better. After all they can’t mutiny against the Alpha male. If they could, they would have done so. Instead, they invent a story about a new zoo-keeper who shares their contempt for the Alpha male’s propensity to push everyone around. Someday the new zoo-keeper will visit the baboon colony and set things right by punishing the Alpha male unless he first mends his ways. The Alpha male hears this story over and over again. He starts to wonder if it’s true and starts to worry that he’ll get punished if he keeps pushing the others around.

The Alpha male finds himself in the same position as the Pope. On one hand he has absolute power, but then he starts to constrain his impulses and his actions. Nietzsche calls it simply ‘bad conscience’ which is the twisted combination of Master Morality and Slave Morality we all feel within us. Eventually, the Alpha male gives in and starts to act more like ‘one of the boys”.

This is how small ‘m’ morality become capital ‘M’ Morality; it becomes THE Morality accepted by everyone. Slave Morality then becomes the universal ethic where rules are externally imposed and externally sanctioned. This becomes the Capital ‘M’ Morality that is preached to everyone


The Invention of Christianity

“Faith: not wanting to know what is true.” – Nietzsche

Warning! If you’re a Christian believer and you don’t want your fragile faith challenged, then you’d best skip this section on the invention of Christianity. Start reading again after the red XXXXXXXXXXXXXX’s below. You’ve been warned. As Mark Twain said, “Those that respect the law and love sausage should watch neither being made.” The same admonition applies to the creation of religion.

One of the most serious shortcomings of Slave Morality is the ease with which it can be hijacked for nefarious purposes. And, the most significant example of this is the creation of Christianity itself by an opportunist from Tarsus who became Saul, a Pharisee persecuting the early followers of Jesus. Saul supposedly had a conversion on the road to Damascus. His revelation was similar to L. Ron Hubbard’s, the founder of Scientology; that there’s money to be made in creating a new religion.

Saul changed his name to Paul and hijacked Jesus’ small Hebrew sect by inventing a new religion and making it up as he went along. It was Paul’s followers who completed the canonical Gospels and the rest of the New Testament, not Jesus’ followers that did so.

This self-proclaimed apostle, Paul, writing twenty years after the death of Jesus who he had never met, perpetrated a coup d’état against Jesus’ brother James who Jesus had appointed as his successor. According to Neil Godfrey, “Paul broke away from the Jewish sect that Jesus had begun, and he took with him the majority of this sect’s members; he convinced these people that Jesus had been a god, and that the way to win eternal salvation in heaven is to worship him as such.”

Paul introduced the duality of the previously singular Hebrew God, so now God consists of the Father and the Son (the Catholic Church later added a third element of the Holy Ghost to create the Trinity.) Furthermore, Paul’s concept of the “Christ’ was radically different from the Hebrew concept of the messiah.

Peter, James and the rest of Jesus’ disciples died as members of this small Hebrew sect and their movement died with them, overtaken by Paul’s so-called ‘Christians’. There are many who would argue that Christianity should actually be called ‘Paulinism’ after its real founder.

We mustn’t forget that Jesus, his disciples and Paul himself were Hebrews steeped in Slave Morality. However, as explained above, it is not uncommon for people to have both Master and Slave morality. Jesus’ nihilistic disrespect for authority clearly puts him closer to the Master morality end of the spectrum whereas Paul would work the Slave end for his own purposes. For instance, Paul preached salvation by faith (Slave Morality’s ‘intention’) as opposed to Jesus’ belief in salvation by works (Master morality’s ‘consequences’).

Paul realized that the small Christian sect was gaining no traction with the Hebrews so he changed the message to appeal to a much larger non-Hebrew audience in order to gain more converts and thus greater monetary contributions. One of the sticking points was circumcision, the sine qua non of Hebrew identity. So, Paul simply abolished it because many potential adult male converts were reluctant to endure the pain and take the health risks of circumcision in an age before aesthesia and antiseptics.

Paul also made his new religion more palatable to the Roman power structure thus making it an efficient tool for empire maintenance. We read, “Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s; and unto God the things that are God’s”. Mathew 22:21. In other words, pay your taxes and obey the law like a good little citizen.

Slave Morality’s disdain of wealth and earthly pleasure can be seen in Priests and Nuns who take the three vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. Slave Morality is the idea that humans must toil away on Earth for decades of suffering but will live wondrous lives in heaven afterwards. This, in part, explains why the Catholic Church, despite gaining considerable power and amassing a great fortune, does little to alleviate human suffering except offer words of comfort. After all, talk is cheap.

Paul was shrewd. He saw that the Jews had rejected Jesus and his small radical Christian sect. However, he realized the great potential that the Roman Empire’s larger population offered him. The Slave Morality of Paul’s so-called “Christianity” appealed to Gentiles more than it did to Jews. Significant parts of Rome’s population were slaves. Half of Rome’s population were females who, aside from a few Patricians, were largely powerless.

The newly revised Christian message appealed to the downtrodden. The following passages are from the Book of Mathew, chapter 5:
“Blessed are the poor in spirit; for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
“Blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted.
“Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.
“Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled.
“Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.”

And so on …

The slaves found comfort in this. The next converts were gullible women and then the children who simply followed their mothers. Thus, Paul’s Christianity appealed to the majority of Rome’s people.

Men, the last hold-outs, reluctantly followed. Imagine this conversation late at night in a Roman bedroom:
She: “Not tonight, Dear. I don’t f#ck pagans.”
He: “Oh, hallelujah, Honey, I’ve seen the light!”

It took another three centuries before Christianity became the official religion of Rome. Mission complete. Slave Morality now became capital ‘M’ Morality for western civilization.

One reason Emperor Constantine converted the Roman Empire to Christianity in the fourth century was to rectify the Empire’s declining population caused abortion and child abandonment, both of which were allowed by Romans, but sinful to Christians.

It has even been suggested that another reason was to solve a tax problem. Rome’s economy was largely dependent on tribute from captured nations. As the Roman Empire expanded, it became ever more difficult to protect the loot on the long journey back to Rome. As well, such protection was a costly drain on Rome’s dwindling military capability. The Emperor realized that instead of garrisoning troops in each town, one or two priests could serve the same function in collecting and protecting the tithe. After all, what highwayman would rob a priest and risk eternal damnation?

Nietzsche criticizes Christianity for obsessing on other people’s sins in order to feel better about oneself. Master Morality favors education and improvement in order to better oneself whereas Christian Slave Morality sociopathically drags other people down in order to make oneself look better by comparison. Christianity encourages the view that other people are terrible sinners, but our own transgressions are merely human weakness. Again, we see how Slave Morality is based on self-deception.

No doubt, some of you are shocked by what you’ve just read about the invention of Christianity, but there are several books that explain this in much more detail. One is Hyman Maccoby’s “The Myth-maker: Paul and the Invention of Christianity (1986) wherein he shows that Paul’s claim that Christ died for our salvation went far beyond Jesus’ own messianic claims and, in fact, was invented by Paul out of a hodgepodge of Hellenism, Gnosticism and ancient mystery cults.

Another more recent book is Eric Zuesse’s Christ’s Ventriloquist who uses modern ‘legal/forensic methodology’ to “reach the writer’s intent, and not merely his assertions, and to identify when this intent is to deceive instead of to inform.” Until now, we’ve had little to go on but the self-testimony of Paul’s letters. Modern criminal investigators understand that eye-witness testimony is notoriously unreliable which is why DNA evidence is often used to overthrow convictions based on eye-witnesses. Most of the Gospels were written 30 to 40 years or more after Jesus’ death and were based on unreliable recollections.

Zuesse says, “Previously, the only available methods, which scholars have used, simply assumed the honesty-of-intent of all classical documents, especially of canonical religious ones, such as Paul’s epistles, and the Four Gospels. Only now is it finally possible to penetrate deeper than that, to reach the writer’s intent, and not merely his assertions, and to identify when this intent is to deceive instead of to inform.” He demonstrates how Paul deliberately misrepresented Jesus’ intention about replacing the Old Testament which was supposed to be eternal and unchanging. And, it worked. Today, we believe that Jesus wanted it so.

Paul twists and bends words and meanings to entice Gentiles into joining his new religion. The Book of Galatians is considered the most ‘Pauline’ of the Gospels yet Zuesse finds internal inconsistencies within Galatians as well as endless inconsistencies with what Paul says elsewhere.

Zuesse does not attack the core values of Christian beliefs, but he convincingly demonstrates these beliefs are not Jesus’ beliefs.

“… there has been only one Christian, and he died on the Cross.” – Nietzsche

The core values were invented by Paul who based them on Slave Morality because he realized it would be accepted by a wider audience and thus gain more converts. Warning: if you read Zeusse’s book you may find it overly-long and repetitious, and not very well edited.

An “historical-critical” approach was taken by the Westar Institute and their Jesus Seminars (1985 to ’93) whose religious studies scholars presented papers at publicly attended bi-annual national meetings and voted on the authenticity of Jesus’ words in the Gospels. The last report I read in 1995 was their conclusion that 95% of the Gospels were not the authentic words of Jesus. It shouldn’t be surprising that the Westar Institute has been roundly criticized by Slave Morality evangelicals and fundamentalists.

When presented with such evidence, clergymen respond that the Books of the Bible were “inspired by God”. I’ll let you decide if this is another example of self-deception.

So does it matter that what we know as Christianity was invented by Paul and has little to do with Jesus? No, not really. We could call it Pastafarianism and worship the Flying Spaghetti Monster for all the difference it makes. Whatever Jesus’ message was is lost in time and obviously didn’t catch on anyway.

What is important is that the so-called ‘Christianity’ that we know and that shaped so much of western civilization’s culture, religion and beliefs was accepted by us because it resonates with us and answers our base needs much like heroin satisfies a junkie’s craving. Is it noble Master Morality? No, of course not! It’s lowly Slave Morality. What is important is that the so-called ‘Christianity’ that we know and that shaped so much of western civilization’s culture, religion and beliefs is based on a psychotic, warped and twisted Slave Morality.

Below we will briefly examine several other areas of our society that are infected with Slave Morality.

“In Christianity neither morality nor religion comes into contact with reality at any point.” – Nietzche


Ok, Christians; you can start reading this again …

As one reviewer of Zuesse’s book says, “The Slaves had overthrown the Masters, not by realizing human potential and transcending to the level of masters, but by bringing down the masters to their level.” The tendency to descend to a common level of mediocrity permeates western societies. Below, I’ll briefly examine several areas where we are becoming increasingly infested by Slave Morality.

Meddlesome Slave Morality – Collectivism

Slave Morality lends itself to meddling in other people’s lives. Slave Morality makes a virtue out of its own failures and shortcomings. It’s ironic that those people who cannot manage their own lives (failures) compensate by sticking their noses in everyone else’s business and telling them how to run their lives.

A perfect example of this are the hive-minded Collectivist ideologies such as Marxism, Communism, Socialism as well as social movements such as the Israeli Kibbutz.

The poverty of Communism resulted in the fall of the Soviet Union after a disastrous 70 years of Collectivist insanity. In Cuba, everyone is equally poor and in communist North Korea, everyone except the glorious leader is starving. Venezuela has empty store shelves and Argentinian politicians are incapable of learning from their never-ending stupidity. The Chinese have abandoned Communism but their command-style capitalism is hitting the brick wall of over-building and over-indebtedness so we wait to see how that ends.

Socialism permeates most governments to one degree or another. It is an expedient way to buy votes and say “to hell with the future; we’ll all be dead by then.” For a more detailed discussion, see my post Human Nature Trumps Ideology

nation of sheep

And, as for the failed Marxists, they found a new home in the environmental movement (discussed below) where they can again meddle in everyone else’s lives.

The Israeli Kibbutz were collective agricultural communities that began early in the twentieth century and reached a peak in the idyllic 1960’s. Today, according to a recent Macleans magazine article, “all but 60 of the 273 original collective farms have abandoned the socialist way of life.” Many have been privatized and their socialist way of life abandoned. The ass media’s bias is evident when Macleans quotes a kibbutznik, almost as an afterthought, “Also there were a lot of parasites – lazy people. So eventually hard-working kibbutzniks became sick of this way of life. ” Read my post Human Nature Trumps Ideology for a more thorough discussion about collectivism which sounds wonderful in theory but ultimately fails because it does not accommodate human nature and attracts lazy human parasites.

Another example of collectivism are the distributionists, the bastard child of Catholic Social teaching. The 20th Century failure of Communism left a void that could be filled by Thomas Piketty who, instead of proposing the increase of wealth through risk and investment (Master Morality) he exemplifies the underlying culture of envy by advocating the reduction of everyone to a common level of poverty (Slave Morality).

It seems the only thing we learn from history is that we never learn from history.

Meddlesome Slave Morality – Enviro-Nuts, Global Warming, Climate Change Hoax

The failed Marxist have found a new home in the environmental movement. Meddlesome behavior drives psychopathic activities so it’s ironic but not surprising that those who fail to manage their own lives feel compelled to meddle in the lives of everyone else. Once again, that’s Slave Morality; making virtue out of their own failure.

Global warming was exposed as a hoax when the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) was outed as having cooked their statistics, selected data to support preconceived conclusions, suppressed unfavorable facts and peer-reviewed their own papers. Al Gore’s hockey stick has turned into an “Inconvenient” hokey stick.

After 18 years of global cooling, they’re unable to continue the hoax so they seamlessly switched the scam to “Climate Change”. Of course climate changes; so does weather. But, the implication is it’s all YOUR FAULT for breathing and simply existing. Again we see self-hating Slave Morality at work. Climate change has taken a page from Catholicism and made one’s very existence a sin. You’re guilty for the simple act of being alive.

There’s much more to be said about the Climate Change scam that will be covered in future articles. In the meantime, follow the money. Qui Bono? Who benefits? One is governments desperate to raise taxes through carbon taxes. Another is the climate researchers’ cushy jobs grinding out questionable data. Still another are the banksters who can earn commissions and more obscene bonuses trading carbon credits and creating yet more toxic derivatives using artificial carbon credits as pretend assets for more financial instruments created out of thin air to generate worthless fiat currency to convert into real assets.

Below is an interesting YouTube video about Enviro-nuts and Eco-terrorists that consider humans a plague on the earth. As with most videos, take it with a grain of salt.

The War on Humans video 31:07

There is much more to be said and many more examples of Slave Morality such as our indoctrination education system.

individual dysfunctional institutions

There is also the movie industry, television, popular culture, popular music, iGadgets and on and on, but I think I’ve covered enough to show you how immersed we are in Slave Morality.

iGadgets society today

Still another example of nefarious meddling in people’s lives and pernicious political correctness are Canadian Human Rights Commissions.

Canadian Human Rights Com. electric chair

Remember, you aren’t crazy; it’s our society that’s insane, but it’ll drive you crazy if you try to fit into an insane society.

“In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule.” – Nietzsche

Nietzsche understands we cannot nor should we want to go back to Master morality. Instead, he insists we move beyond Slave Mentality; beyond “Good and Evil”. We need to transcend our need to build ourselves up by vilifying others. We need to replace religion based on Slave Morality with empathy and understanding.

morality empathy no religion

“Morality is the herd-instinct in the individual.” – Nietzsche

Arthur Clarke

Intellectually, I can agree with Nietzsche but in practical terms I think western society is long past the point-of-no-return. Fifty million Amerikans are on food stamps and half of all U.S. households receive a government check. Too much of the population is ‘bought and paid for’ by the great collective. Just as the universe is governed by entropy, so it seems human affairs sinks to the lowest common denominator of Slave Morality. As Bukowski once said, “Stupidity has the utmost persistence.”

wage slaves

There doesn’t seem to be much we can do to stop western culture degenerating further into Slave Morality. Unfortunately, it’s the path of least resistance for most people. Few people are willing to take the more difficult route, leave the herd, find their own path, better themselves and refuse to be dragged down into the mud.

The psychopaths among us know how to use Slave Morality to their advantage and our disadvantage. The best we can do is increasing our awareness of Slave Morality in order to recognize it in all its manifestations. Knowledge is power. Forewarned is forearmed. The more we know about it the better we can guard ourselves and our loved ones against its pernicious effect. The more we know about it, the better we can avoid being blind-sided and taken advantage by those who would use human nature and Slave Morality against us.

system is a lie

June 8, 2014

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About gerold

I have a bit of financial experience having invested in stocks in the 1960s & 70s, commodities in the 80s & commercial real estate in the 90s (I sold in 2005.) I'm back in stocks. I am appalled at our rapidly deteriorating global condition so I've written articles for family, friends & colleagues since 2007; warning them and doing my best to explain what's happening, what we can expect in the future and what you can do to prepare and mitigate the worst of the economic, social, political and nuclear fallout. As a public service in 2010 I decided to create a blog accessible to a larger number of people because I believe that knowledge not shared is wasted.
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44 Responses to Our Insane Judeo-Christian Slave Morality

  1. LisetteM says:

    As I was looking for an image to support my comment that the mindset behind the trans-Atlantic slave-trade and what is called Marxism is one and the same, I found you piece making the case about the insanity that is shaping our world. I was introduced to Nietzsche his slave morality, which in my opinion is waging war again humanity. You don’t have a button, but would like to share this in my reddit community if you give me permission.

    Thank you very much!

  2. Pingback: “master-slave morality” – "kingdom of JoGa"

  3. Richard says:

    You are a big fool, and soo foolish, after slaves becomes master what next, do you allow your wife to dictate for you, does your children pay for the bills….fools

  4. jbsptfn says:

    Gerold, you used Hyman Maccoby’s book as a source when you tried to tear apart Christianity. Not a good idea. J.P. Holding has debunked it:


    • gerold says:

      Using the Bible to justify the Bible is as tautological as using a Superman comic to prove the existence of Superman. I never claimed Maccoby was infallible. Who is? They’ve been arguing about this for two thousand years.

      This article isn’t about Maccoby. It’s about our insane Judeo-Christian morality. Disputing one sentence in a five thousand word article proves what exactly? I said, “…there are several books that explain this in much more detail. One is Hyman Maccoby’s…” and I cite several others as well. There are many more.

      I told you believers NOT to read that part of the article. What part of that warning did you have trouble with?

      • jbsptfn says:

        I read that paragraph because I have seen crap about Christianity being said on several different sites, not just yours. You probably don’t want Christians reading it because they may expose the crap that you are putting out there.

        For example, you said that the Gospels weren’t written until 30 to 40 years later, and were based on unreliable recollections. Now, that may be true for the finished documents, but not the material in them. It was told orally from day one, and the material was well known before there was a finished document:


        • gerold says:

          You really must do something about your atrocious reading comprehension because it sucks. I was trying to be nice to believers when I wrote, “If you’re a Christian believer and you don’t want your fragile faith challenged, then you’d best skip this section on the invention of Christianity.” What part of the foregoing are you having trouble with?

          I wasn’t stopping anyone from reading that part. It obviously didn’t stop you, did it? You’re paranoid if you think I’m afraid of criticism. If I was, I wouldn’t allow comments, would I? As this blog’s administrator, I could do that easily enough. Furthermore, you mustn’t have much faith in your beliefs if you’re impugning my motives like you do.

          You obviously missed the part where the Westar Institute’s ‘Jesus Seminars’ demonstrated that 95% of Jesus so-called gospels could not be attributed to him. So much for your ‘word of mouth.’

          I don’t know why I try to be charitable to believers. As far as I’m concerned, belief is for fools and gullible old women. In addition to confirmation bias, I bet you’re a liberal, too.

          • MATTEO says:

            “Nietzsche criticizes Christianity for obsessing on other people’s sins in order to feel better about oneself. Master Morality favors education and improvement in order to better oneself whereas Christian Slave Morality sociopathically drags other people down in order to make oneself look better by comparison. Christianity encourages the view that other people are terrible sinners, but our own transgressions are merely human weakness. Again, we see how Slave Morality is based on self-deception.”
            This is probably the most immature section of your essay. Don’t take it personal. But these words are baseless. Sure, a lot of so called Christians (Puritanical) obsess about the sins of others. But that’s them. Thats not Christ. Nowhere did he advocate that kind of behavior. Whoever wrote the gospels painted a picture of one hellhva revolutionary human being who taught “Remove the speck from your own eye before you go trying to correct any one else’s behavior” “Judge not lest ye be judged in the same manner because the same manner in which you judge, the same shall be used against you.” Doesn’t get any clearer than that. Those who point the finger at others and condemn cannot see truthfulness the way Christ of the gospels (yes, oral traditions were how the Word was passed down and committing the words to memory was very normal of ancient peoples) presents it

        • john says:

          Have you ever played a game of telephone? Holy shit

  5. Propserity says:

    Hi Gerold,
    Great piece. Yes, People don’t like the truth. ITa about time they hear it!
    A question, how would you defend Ethics of Care against Nietzsche’s broadside?

    • gerold says:

      Good question, Propserity! First time I’ve heard of Ethics of Care so I can’t really dive too deeply. What little I just read leads me to think a hard-ass like Nietzsche likely would not approve.

      For one thing, Ethics of Care seems very squishy and has an element of obligation and feelings that are difficult to nail down. Consequences are another thing as it could relieve others of their responsibility. It all sounds good in theory, but I’m not sure how well it works in practice.

  6. Oswaldo says:

    Thanks, Gerod
    The relevancy of the quotes, materials linked, borrowed, etc. plus the honesty, simplicity, and breadth of your narrative led me to complete pieces of the human puzzle, I’ve been acting upon since “meeting” Abraxas in Hesse’s Demian during my teens.
    Better yet, by retrofitting so many life-long empty places of the mind, you truly are retooling it irreversibly …To the point, it makes it easy to understand why Gandhi said, “Truth is God,” not the reverse.

  7. G says:

    “I realized I only consult with others and ask them questions is because I fear for them feeling invaluable around me , so I let them in . I devalue myself infront those around me so they value themselves , thus i’l value myself. ”

    I thought it was my education – to doubt myself all the time , to always make a check and balance with my family.
    but after observing more and more pathological patterns of devaluing myself to avoid conflict , that is the true reason.
    I adapted , to survive that way , but i don’t need those survival mechanisms.
    I don’t need to turn my other cheek .

    I could have easily explain this as a virtue .
    but i wasn’t acting that way due to excess comfident , ho not…

    Slave morality is scary .

    I Feel bliss , being 21, and starting to work early on pilling invisible walls that were cultivated in me from a young age.

    I come from Israel, where people are not oppressing the mandatory of serving the army , because others are suffering or suffered for them , and so shall you.
    If no one agreed to suffer , If no one agreed to be a slave to the misfortune the generation prior to him has brought upon , I’m sure we would have found a solution .

    I really enjoyed this , It was put out very clear, I quoted abit of the material to my own self research.
    Any articles on the greek culture , none slave morality oriented social values there etc?
    I’ve heard a great lecture on how Nietzsche drew upon from the Greeks , would love to read a fine article about that.

  8. chris2 says:

    Paul didn’t write Matthew…you were going well till then

    • gerold says:

      You’re right: Paul didn’t write Mathew. I quoted several passages from Mathew to exemplify slave mentality.

      – Gerold

      • Alan Troutville says:

        Yes yet Matthew was quoting Jesus and neighter he nor John, nor Peter nor Mark would have bought into the “New Religion” that according to you Paul was creating that made Jesus a God if they didn’t already think Jesus was God. I believe your point was that Paul hijacked Jesus’ message. So this would be a weak link in your argument. There is also the problem with the creed of 1 Cor 15 that dates to 30-35AD or at most 51AD which predates Paul’s letters and his turning to the Gentiles: https://beliefmap.org/bible/1-corinthians/15-creed/date/

        BTW we see eye to eye on a lot of things. But I think Christianity is not the slave morality but an objective morality. I would use the words Slave Mentality which I think does exist, especially under the Federal Reserve and non libertarian governments and which we see in the huge welfare role created by the Progressives, Climate Change pushers and the il”liberals”.

  9. theMeme says:

    I think, one of the things that are most misunderstood about Nietzsche, along with his will-to-power, is the believe that he advocated a certain kind of master-morality: a reckless, selfish and psychopathic dominance and control over others. But that’s not true. When he wrote slave-morality and master-morality he want’s us to see through both of them and it’s self-serving nature and want’s us to move beyond them. If he advocates any master-morality than it’s a morality of self-mastery: A morality of self-overcoming to become who we are. So what he is advocating, is more a individualistic self-actualisation. What stands in the way to become what we are? Often it’s laziness and fear. But also psychological drives and adversities that stem from the brainwashing with the judeo-christian value system: the aversion and condemnation of suffering, self-pity and self-victimization.. he saw this slave-morality as fundamentally anti-individualistic and anti-life. A morality that is still dominant today, and in a way even more problematic due the death of god, because atheists didn’t know how make a clean sweep: Instead this atheist invented new ideologies that are based on this slave-morality: Socialism, Marxism, Anarchism and many more. They fantasized and tried to find ways to put heaven on earth! He saw slave morality without god as more problematic because he also though that it also easily leads to whiny existential nihilism and suicidal anti-life pessimism (see his criticism of Schopenhauer) And that’s so contrary to what he saw as the meaning of life: creative self expression, a creative will-to-power.

  10. Pingback: The Culpability of Christianity in Western Decline | Cultural Heresy

  11. Ian says:

    Woohoo let’s just do what the fuck we want! Shitting all over people to get ahead is in our nature, don’t fight it!

    Do you skip the queue at McDonalds? Do you run red lights? Do you “take” any girl you want?

    No? Hah! You lack the courage of your conviction. What kind of “Master” queues at McDonalds, waits for the green light, and respects a woman’s right to choose? You’re no Master, you’re weak and you disgust me.

    Who am I kidding. I’m really weak and pathetic myself, since I actually believe it’s possible for us to compromise. I believe we could move on from religion to a more realistic world view, admit our shortcomings as a start to conquering them. I’m such a slave 😦

    • gerold says:

      Being a master involves strength, not force.
      A master respects others and doesn’t take advantage of them.
      A master lifts others up rather than dragging them down.
      A master seeks to improve himself without denigrating others.
      A master doesn’t need religion’s empty promises to stand on his own.
      Need I continue?


  12. Hi,
    I am a complete newbie to politics, theories, etc. So apologies for my ignorance, bit I always instinctively felt repulsed by anyone who have a victim mentality, I instinctively disliked “Labour” philosophy, when I thought about it more, I found the reason, because “victims” need a messiah who would perpetuate their victim hood not by turning them into a powerful person but by comforting them, perpetuating their victim narrative. As in your article you talked about “lazy people”.
    Similarly I never understood why education (university level) should be free? So that everyone can learn how to be a slave? And why is it so expensive, since when did powepoint presentation and a library and long holidays cost you £8,000? Another example of slave mentality.

    The more you take, the more the slave-master relation sustains and grows.

    • gerold says:

      Excellent observations! For a ‘newbie’, you’re well-grounded and eligible for the skeptic award.

      Indeed, our Judeo-Christian religions are enablers and perpetuators of victim-hood. For all their high-blown rhetoric, that’s their bread-and-butter. If they were actually to empower their flock, they’d put themselves out of business and have to find honest jobs.

      Coincidentally, just today I came across the concept of the “Just World Hypothesis”
      https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Just-world_hypothesis (labelled a fallacy); a form of Cognitive Dissonance where we supposedly rationalize people’s misfortunes on the grounds that they deserved it. It looks to me like the victims have enlisted Social Science to justify their failures. Never underestimate mankind’s drive to avoid their own responsibility.

      – Gerold

      • Thanks for your comment and kind words 🙂

        • Ah! I followed the link only to realise that being a Hindu, I always knew about the concept, which obviously I do not believe in, i.e Karma – in the terms of what you do in past births may come and haunt you.
          Though I do believe that sometimes some actions may have certain consequences, and choices you make may lead you somewhere and probably be rewarded for it (for example the choices I made to create a career path for me, which has been rewarding, so the effort has paid off)
          But, yes, so many people are scared to accept that just because you are a kind, generous human being or have done good deeds, would invariably lead to better things – as a law or rule – is not actually true. The “what you sow, so you reap” is a theory, not a law, it may come true sometimes but not may not have an actual logical cause and effect scenario, good things happen for no reason and so do bad things, as they say, shit just happens. People are so obsessed to find reasons etc it is weird! The belief that we control things or something controls us is a strongly held illusion!

          • gerold says:

            I don’t believe in the traditional concept of Karma where past lives affect this one. It’s simply a control mechanism to keep us toeing the line. “Be good because even if you get away with being bad, it’ll come back to haunt you in your next life.”

            I’m a skeptic; I try not to believe in anything.

            However, I’ve noticed that actions and decisions have consequences in this life. There’s usually a price to pay. Decisions made honestly usually have good consequences and those made dishonestly usually have bad consequences. There are no guarantees, only greater probabilities.

            The biggest problem is self-honesty because self-delusion is a uniquely human failing. A monkey might try to fool another monkey, but a monkey won’t fool himself. Only humans so that.

            – Gerold

          • I as a woman, think a lot about future and have these dreams etc, men generally live in the moment (more like dogs), how do I become more “man” coz trust me, it is so interesting, I am a woman trapped in a man`s body but being a woman can be quite agonizing!! lol – help!!

  13. With respect to “Below is an interesting YouTube video about Enviro-nuts and Eco-terrorists that consider humans a plague on the earth. “

    “The world is beautiful, but has a disease called man.”
    ― Friedrich Nietzsche


    • gerold says:

      Interesting that Nietzsche, of all people, would reflect such a warped Judeo-Christian slave perspective.

      From what little I know of other cultures, they may hate other cultures, but I think only the Judeo-Christians hate mankind in its entirety. Methinks it stems from self-hatred.


  14. Paul says:

    First off, thanks for this article. It was an enlightening read. Its also nice to know I have a religion that shares my name (Paulism)…

    In terms of a more philosophical basis, I am of the opinion that evil (Things caused by bad consequences) is good (Or at least beneficial). It forces people to acknowledge their limitations and change for the better. Of course, most people go the God route instead, which is such a waste, imo. And I wish the government could learn from their own mistakes and self-created evil, but that’s another issue.

    Meanwhile, good (Or benefits) tends to weaken. In a sense, receiving only benefits will create comfort and comfort does things like create the current system. Comfort causes us to let our guard down, which can be exploited. Evil causes us to have our guard up at all times.

    • gerold says:

      Funny you should mention that because my latest post on identifying incompetent people makes a similar point. Always assume everyone else is incompetent and assume that others see you as incompetent. That keeps us on our toes and encourages us to behave in ways that mitigates their incompetence and keeps us from resting on our laurels.

      – Gerold


  16. Ben Loewen says:

    Hi Gerold,

    I agree that the Judeo-Christian ethic is a slave mentality. I agree that self deception is quintessentially human. But does the slave mentality lead to self -deception? I’m not so sure.

    What sets us apart from animals (if anything)? I would say it is our cultural institutions. Animals tend to control internal violence with the “dominance structure” or “pecking order” (the so-called Alpha male). For humans it is our cultural institutions. Originally it was religion only. Later on, this singular institution was expanded to include others like government, law courts, police, etc.

    How did religion play a central roll in our evolution out of the animal kingdom? Religion is a way to control our internal violence through a series of taboos but also importantly, by re-directing violence at easier targets (minorities, disabled, outsiders, animals). This re-directed violence satisfies the frustration and appetite for violence and allows society to survive – because it stops the chain reaction of violence. This is most easy to observe in primitive societies through the ritual of sacrifice. In sacrifice society participates together in killing innocent victims.

    The deception in this killing is that it is somehow justified and good. Maybe even commanded by God. This deception is supported by the obvious benefits that the society derives from their murders. In evolutionary terms, the better a society was at deceiving itself (and thereby controlling its violence), the better its chance of survival.

    So are we doomed to go on killing each other in the name of God? Any society where the members relate to each other by competition, which includes all current human societies, are doomed to failure (yes there is some cooperation but even that is usually based on competition for example, “Let’s beat the Russians”). Competition is not a stable platform for sustainable peace and prosperity. Competition leads to frustration, which leads to an appetite for violence, which has predictable results. Good cultural institutions can hold the violence in check for a while, but as our capacity for violence increases, the institutions are not good enough anymore.

    That being said, I think there is a future for humanity. The future is love. The future is people who turn away from competition and chose instead of live their life as a gift to others. The key here is that others include not only friends and family but the so-called easier targets too – disadvantaged people and enemies. These people don’t do it just to be good, but are enlightened enough to see that living this way is in their own best interest. This seams weak and insignificant but ultimately, this new form of humanity will take over the world – one act of love at a time. Each act starts a chain reaction. I would even say this is the next stage in our evolution. These people are the true Ubermenscht. After all, if you are simply competing to be the greatest, isn’t that what everybody is doing? Who isn’t trying to get ahead? How is that thinking outside the herd? Competing to be the greatest is a terrible slavery, and it leads to all sorts of self-deception. On the other hand, the new humanity I’m talking about does not face the dead end that competition does. The good news is this new humanity is already here among us in bits and pieces and we have the chance to be a part of it. Maybe it shouldn’t be a surprise that our next stage in evolution, is like our last stage of evolution – a new way of handling our violence.

    No doubt this sounds far fetched, but we should remember that evolution often happens in big jumps – whether it is the extinction of the dinosaurs, the transition to an oxygenated atmosphere and life on land, or collapses in human civilizations that seemed like they’d endure forever. We should expect that change in the future will also happen quickly with dramatic and unexpected results.

    • gerold says:

      Ben, I never meant to imply that slave mentality leads to self–deception. Most likely they’re correlations, not causative.

      Otherwise, your comments are breath-taking in their breadth and depth, and definitely worth pondering.

      Unfortunately, I can’t delve any deeper as family commitments have called me away for a few days. Your thoughts are worth re-visiting next week.

      Hold on!

      – Gerold

  17. Richard says:

    A very good article .I have always believed in god but not religion.Now I understand why.

  18. Eric says:

    Thanks Gerold, a very articulate and thought-provoking piece.

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